オス © Silvia Faustino Linhares eBird S46472823 Macaulay Library ML 105001401
メス © David Beadle
オス © Nick Athanas
メス © Andy Walker - Birding Ecotours
メス © Alexander Lees

セウロコアリドリ Willisornis poecilinotus




Short-tailed antbird found in the understory of mature rainforest. Forages singly or in pairs, clinging sideways to vertical stems close to the ground; often follows army ant swarms, but usually does not associate with mixed species flocks. Males are gray with black scalloping on the back and black tail with white tip. Females vary in plumage geographically but are generally tawny buff with similar diagnostic black markings on the back and black-and-white tail; underparts gray in northeastern Amazonia, and underparts gray and upperparts uniform brown in southwestern Amazonia.