オス © Andres Vasquez Noboa eBird S131056580 Macaulay Library ML 546530521
メス © Andres Vasquez Noboa
オス © Ian Davies
オス © Loch Kilpatrick
オス © Andres Vasquez Noboa
+ 3
メス © Edwin Munera
メス © Jorge Novoa - CORBIDI

ウロコカザリドリ Ampelioides tschudii




Chunky, short-tailed, flat-headed bird patterned in mossy green and black. Scaly above and below with broad green wingbar and black cap. Female has less black in plumage than male, but still distinctively scaly. Unobtrusive, often perching inconspicuously in the middle or upper levels of Andean cloud forest. Most often seen around a fruiting tree; occasionally follows mixed-species flocks. Listen for loud descending whistle.