雄鳥 © Soar Excursions eBird S51219031 Macaulay Library ML 132622851
雌鳥 © Hemant Kirola
雄鳥 © Thibaud Aronson
雌鳥 © Shailesh Pinto
雄性求偶展示 © Charley Hesse
+ 2
雄鳥 © David Tomb

Satyr Tragopan Tragopan satyra

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A large pheasant-like bird. Male has a black face with dark blue cheeks and chin, and a grayish-brown back and uppertail. It has white speckling all over, but the male Satyr Tragopan is the only tragopan to have white dots on the red breast. Female is similar in shape, but all brown with thin white streaks on the back and reddish-brown wings. Found in dense forests, where it forages on the forest floor. The call is a nasal, wailing “gwaaahh.”