Adult male © Miguel Aguilar @birdnomad eBird S62261240 Macaulay Library ML 219238001
Adult female © Fabrice Schmitt
Adult male © Matthew Grube
Adult female © Fabrice Schmitt

Santa Marta Antbird Drymophila hellmayri

כניסה לצפייה בתגים שלך


מופעל על ידי MERLIN

Slender, long-tailed antbird restricted to the lower slopes of Colombia’s Santa Marta Mountains. It is heavily streaked on the head, breast, and back and has a tawny belly and rump. Male has darker and more contrasting streaks than female. No other similar antbird occurs in the Santa Martas. Inhabits stands of bamboo and usually first detected by voice. Typical song is two or more “chup” notes followed by several rasps. Regularly encountered along roadsides below El Dorado Nature Reserve.

מופעל על ידי MERLIN