Самка © Darren Clark
Самец и самка © Darren Clark
Токование самца © Andrew Spencer
Токование самца © Matthew Pendleton
+ 4
Самец © Andrew Spencer
Самка © Marcel Such
Самец © August Hazel

Полынный тетерев Centrocercus urophasianus

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Large turkeylike bird found in extensive areas of sagebrush. Both sexes gray overall with very fine patterning, black belly, and long pointed tail. Males have a white breast and a black throat. Spectacular male display involves fanning tail, inflating yellow air sacs on chest, and thrusting them forward to produce liquid popping noises. Most easily seen at display sites in early spring; can be very inconspicuous at other times of year. Population in severe decline due to habitat destruction. Extremely similar to the much rarer and more local Gunnison Sage-Grouse, but Greater is larger and no range overlap. Also note darker tail and shorter wispier head plumes on Greater when displaying.