© Pablo Gutiérrez Maier eBird S41039442 Macaulay Library ML 78206031
© Andres Vasquez Noboa
© Etienne Artigau🦩
© Natacha González
© Pablo Gutiérrez Maier
+ 3
© Luis Alejandro Duvieilh
© José Briones Valle

Ruddy-headed Goose Chloephaga rubidiceps

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A rare and endangered goose on the South American mainland, but fairly common in the Falkland Islands. This subtly attractive austral goose is easily passed off as a female of the slightly larger Upland Goose. Relative to female Upland, Ruddy-headed (in which sexes look alike) has a shorter ruddy neck (which can be fairly dull and pale, especially in the Falklands) with narrow white eye crescents and a pale forehead; body is cleaner and paler gray with dark rusty belly and vent; legs are deeper orange. In flight, bold wing pattern is like female Upland. Found in pairs or small groups, readily associating with Upland Geese.