Самець © Dave Bakewell eBird S36758707 Macaulay Library ML 57723351
Самиця © Sandra Chia
Самиця © Ashraf Anuar Zaini
Самець і пташеня © Ayuwat Jearwattanakanok
Пара © Hong Yao Lim

Добаш малазійський Sasia abnormis

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Absolutely miniscule woodpecker. Tailless and round-bodied, resembling a wren or cupwing in shape. Olive above and orange below; lacks the white brow patch of White-browed Piculet. Forages in dense secondary growth from lowlands up into the foothills, often in bamboo stands. Clambers around in and flutters between low-lying vegetation, seldom high up in the canopy. Makes sharp squeaks somewhat resembling shoes rubbing on wet floors. Drums are surprisingly loud for its size.

Працює за допомогою MERLIN