© irina shulgina
© irina shulgina
© Jamie Baker
© Cory Gregory
+ 3
© Denis Tétreault
© Denis Tétreault

Urubamba Antpitta Grallaria occabambae

כניסה לצפייה בתגים שלך


מופעל על ידי MERLIN

Plump, mostly terrestrial bird with long legs and a short tail found at high elevations in the eastern Andes of southern Peru. Plumage is mostly chestnut brown but is slightly paler on the belly. Similar to Leymebamba Antpitta, but larger, longer legged, and lacks gray in the plumage. The white eyering helps to separate it from Ayacucho Antpitta. Voice is also very helpful for ID; depending on location, it gives either three quick whistles with a pause after the first, or just two whistles. Also sometimes sings a longer, decelerating series of around ten notes. Usually stays well-hidden on or near the forest floor. Formerly considered a subspecies of what used to be called Rufous Antpitta.

מופעל על ידי MERLIN