Data for:
Breeding male © pierre martin eBird S57765139 Macaulay Library ML 166130231
Female/immature male © Liron Gertsman
Nonbreeding male © Brian Sullivan
Female/immature male © Brad Imhoff
Breeding male © Caleb Putnam
+ 7
Female/immature male © David Yeamans
Nonbreeding male © Ryan Schain
Breeding male © Chris Wood
Female and chick © Cam Nikkel
Flock © Jay McGowan
Habitat © Irene Crosland

Ruddy Duck Oxyura jamaicensis

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Small, compact duck with a long, fan-shaped tail, often held sticking up out of water. Breeding males have a chestnut body, black cap, white cheek, and baby-blue bill. Winter males have a brown body, black cap and white cheek. Females and immature males are brown overall with a dark cap and dark line through the cheek. Often in tight groups bobbing like corks on ponds and bays. Dives to forage on aquatic invertebrates. Not often seen flying.



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