© Natthaphat Chotjuckdikul eBird S35513473 Macaulay Library ML 52738491
© Niel Bruce
© Pankaj Maheria
© Arlango Lee
© Tatsutomo Chin

ברודית חומת-חזה Zapornia fusca

כניסה לצפייה בתגים שלך


מופעל על ידי MERLIN

Small, chickenlike inhabitant of marshes, vegetated river edges, ditches, wet croplands, sometimes dry fields. Brown above, with orange from lower cheek to lower breast. Similar to Band-bellied Crake, but more brightly colored and lacks white wing markings. Retiring and difficult to see but not uncommon in some locations. Most often detected by song, an accelerating series of beeping notes, given from cover in early morning and evening.

מופעל על ידי MERLIN