Adulto reproductivo © Jérémy Calvo eBird S73372051 Macaulay Library ML 261549061
Adulto no reproductivo © Niall D Perrins
Adulto no reproductivo © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography
Adulto reproductivo © Frans Vandewalle
Adulto no reproductivo © James Kennerley
+ 3
Adulto no reproductivo © Pedro Plans
Adulto no reproductivo © James Kennerley

Charrán real africano Thalasseus albididorsalis

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A large tern found strictly in coastal areas. Very pale, with a long forked tail. Shows a black cap and orange bill in breeding plumage, and a white cap, black back of the head, and yellow-orange bill when not breeding. Feeds in open ocean and saltwater bays, where it flies above the water looking for small fish. Rests on beaches, often in mixed groups with other tern species. Separated from most other terns by large size; only slightly smaller than Caspian. Separated from Caspian by the thinner orange bill (usually not deep red), shaggier crest, longer tail, and in flight the much paler wing, without a large panel of solid black. Similar to Lesser Crested Tern, but significantly larger and chunkier.