Adult male © Jens Toettrup eBird S50610488 Macaulay Library ML 128152911
Adult female © Joachim Bertrands
Adult male © Vivek Rawat
Adult female © Sakkarin Sansuk
Flock © Ayuwat Jearwattanakanok

Rosy Minivet Pericrocotus roseus

Vaše záznamy se zobrazí po přihlášení



Pale, rather washed-out-looking minivet. Male has a white throat, pink breast, and bright red “apostrophe” on the wing. Female replaces male’s red and pink with yellow, but is otherwise similar. Both have prominent dark lores. Usually moves in pairs, but will form flocks outside of the breeding season. Breeds in a wide range of lowland and foothill forests; favors hill and valley forests in the winter. Gives twittering trill in flight.