メス © Patrick MONNEY
オス © Gonzalo Campaña Fourcade
オスとメス © Freddy Burgos Gallardo
成鳥とヒナ © Ricardo A. Palonsky
+ 2
オスとメス © Diego Oscar / Sandpiper Birding & Tours

クビワコガモ Callonetta leucophrys




Small distinctive duck. Males have a pinkish breast that is spotted in black with a rich chestnut wing and a metallic green patch on the flight feathers. Note the blue bill. Females have a striking brown-and-white face pattern, and are mostly brown above and mottled or banded brown below. In flight shows dark wings with white-and-green bands. Occurs in marshes and swamps with abundant vegetation; can be even seen perched on fences or low trees.