未成鳥 © Alain Fossé
成鳥 © David Stejskal
成鳥 © Philip Boyle
成鳥 © Alain Fossé
+ 2
成鳥 © sonia villalon

レユニオンヒヨドリ Hypsipetes borbonicus




A medium-sized dark gray bird with a white eye, a black cap, and a carrot-colored bill. Endemic to the island of Reunion. Found in humid forest as well as secondary forest and forest dominated by exotic trees; now mostly confined to middle and high elevations. Often in small, noisy groups. Somewhat similar to male Reunion Cuckooshrike, but easily separated by the orange bill and pale eye. The song is an unmusical but varied series of rattling, metallic, and scraping notes, often given from a high perch. The calls include a “chek” note and a long mew.