成鳥 © Wolfe R
未成鳥 © Ryan O'Donnell
成鳥 © Sam Woods
未成鳥 © Scott Schuette
+ 4
未成鳥 © Ryan O'Donnell
成鳥 (with Black-legged Kittiwakes) © Liam Singh
成鳥 (with Black-legged Kittiwakes) © Guy Lemelin

Red-legged Kittiwake Rissa brevirostris

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Crisp small gull with very limited range; breeds on rocky cliffs on islands in the Bering Sea, from Alaska to Russia; winters on open ocean. Size and plumage most similar to Black-legged Kittiwake, but back is darker gray, yellow bill is shorter, legs are shorter and bright red, and underwing is darker gray. Nonbreeding birds have a dark smudge around eye and a thin gray ear patch. Young birds are similar to nonbreeding adults but with black bill, duller legs, and more contrasting wing pattern.