Ynglende han © Kenzhegul Qanatbek eBird S138498912 Macaulay Library ML 574783921
Hun © Arend Wassink
Ikke-ynglende han © Sumanta Pramanick
Hun/immatur © Arend Wassink
Hun/immatur © Antonio Ceballos Barbancho
+ 5
Ynglende han © Miguel Rouco
Ynglende han © Kenzhegul Qanatbek
Hun © Arend Wassink
Habitat © Nara Jayaraman

Brunhovedet Værling Emberiza bruniceps

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Large, stocky bunting with a long tail. Rusty-red head and yellow body easily identify the breeding male; non-breeding male has restricted red on the head and a streaky brown back. Female and juvenile are pale brown with streaked back and wings; these plumages can be nearly impossible to separate from Black-headed Bunting. Look out for Red-headed’s less extensive crown streaking, less “compact” appearance (longer-billed and longer-tailed), less yellow underparts, and colder back coloration. Breeds in open dry spaces with scattered bushes; winters in agricultural fields. Song starts out with a few dry, rasping notes, then turns into a more fluid-sounding jumble.