Data for:
Adult (Icelandic) © Gina Sheridan eBird S35523982 Macaulay Library ML 57009461
Adult (Eurasian) © Jorge Araújo da Silva
Adult (Eurasian) © Daniel Field
Juvenile (Icelandic) © Paul Tavares
Adult (Icelandic) © John C. Mittermeier
+ 2
Adult (Icelandic) (with European Starling) © Guðmundur Falk

Redwing Turdus iliacus

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Rather small, attractive thrush with bold whitish eyebrows, a variable orangey patch on each flank, and a yellow bill base. Shows rusty-orange underwings in flight. Breeds in wooded and forested habitats, especially with birch; in winter found mainly in open woodland, farmland with hedges, orchards, and parkland. Often in flocks, sometimes mixed with Fieldfares and other thrushes, feeding out in fields or in fruiting trees. Rich and lovely song is a series of burbling trills and whistles. Calls include a high buzzing “tseer” and short rattled phrases.



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