Data for:
Adult male © Michael Stubblefield eBird S77882985 Macaulay Library ML 290896961
Female © Chris Wood
Adult male © Theo Staengl
Juvenile © Evan Lipton
Immature male © Nancy Barrett
+ 9
Female/immature © Juan José Bazan Hiraldo
Adult male © Vincent Wang
Female © Ryan Schain
Juvenile © Jonathan Eckerson
Adult male © Bryan Calk
Flock © Michael Stubblefield
Flock © Ross Gallardy
Habitat © Marlene Cashen

Red Crossbill Loxia curvirostra

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Stocky, large-headed finch with unique crossed bill used to pry seeds out of conifer cones. Males are dull red or orange overall with gray or brown highlights. Females are dull olive-yellow. Immatures are streakier than adults. Look for brownish wings with no wingbars. Different populations feed on different types of conifer seeds; jipping calls vary subtly throughout populations. Nomadic; breeds at any time of year, whenever there is enough food available. Often in small flocks. Rarely visits feeders.



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