© Liam Wolff
© Juan Miguel Artigas Azas
© Juan Miguel Artigas Azas
© Michael O'Brien
+ 5
© Jeff Hendricks
© Aaron Graham
© Tom Johnson
© Mauricio López

Амазон зеленощокий Amazona viridigenalis

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Fairly large, bright green parrot endemic to humid tropical lowlands and foothills in northeast Mexico. Uncommon. Found in forests, edges, semiopen areas with scattered tall trees, and forest patches. Most often seen flying over early and late in the day, often fairly high and usually in pairs or loose groups made up of pairs. Best field mark is the pale, ivory-yellow bill that contrasts with the red forecrown. Like other similar parrots, in flight shows a red patch on the back of the wing. Introduced to California, Puerto Rico, Florida, and Hawaii.

Працює за допомогою MERLIN