© Thomas Kallmeyer
© Ian Davies
© Peter Steward
© Eric Hughes
+ 2
© Forest Botial-Jarvis

フタスジヤブコマドリ Cercotrichas leucophrys




A medium-sized scrub-robin with gray-brown upperparts, a strong white eyebrow and moustache, and a diagnostic streaked breast and flanks (though streaking on the breast is sometimes diffuse). Races in northeast Africa have a rufous tail and back and extensive white on the upper wings, while farther south the back and tail are browner and the white on the wings is reduced to two distinctive wingbars. Pairs are abundant in woodland, preferring drier savanna, where they either skulk, run on the ground with the tail cocked searching for food, or perch in a prominent position singing a characteristic “twee-too-too” song, or a variety of other quavering sweet notes that can be complex and varied.