成鳥 © Ben Sanders
幼鳥 © Carlos Alberto Soto Camacho
成鳥 © Manuel Roncal https://avesdecajamarca.blogspot.com
成鳥 © Carlos Alberto Soto Camacho

セアカインカシトド Incaspiza personata




Beautiful finch-like bird with a small range in the Andes of northwestern Peru. Adult is gray with a chestnut back and wings and a black face and throat. The legs and bill are yellow; the white outer tail feathers are usually only evident in flight. Similar to Great Inca-Finch, but has a smaller black throat patch, a larger mask, and a brighter, less brownish back. Juvenile is washed out and streaky, showing only a hint of the face and throat markings. Inhabits arid areas with dense scrub, and feeds mainly on the ground.