成鳥オス © Suzie McCann eBird S57088052 Macaulay Library ML 257694031
成鳥メス © Mike Charest
未成鳥 © Laura Ellis
成鳥オス © Amanda Guercio
成鳥オス © Chris Wood
+ 2
生息環境 © Teresa Connell

ムネアカコウカンチョウ Cardinalis sinuatus




Essentially a desert-dwelling cardinal, found in brushy areas of the southwestern U.S. and northern Mexico. Shaped much like a Northern Cardinal but with a longer, thinner crest and more rounded bill shape. Plumage is mostly gray with red highlights on the face, crest, belly, wings, and tail. Bill color is usually yellowish, but grayer on immatures. Usually seen in pairs or small flocks, often visiting bird feeders. Song is similar to Northern Cardinal but higher-pitched and more piercing.