© Shailesh Pinto
© Andrew Hallett
© Yeray Seminario
© Nige Hartley

Турако фіолетовочубий Gallirex porphyreolophus

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Працює за допомогою MERLIN

A bulky, iridescent bird clad in deep purple, blue, green, and olive washed with pink. It clambers acrobatically through riverine woodland and savanna thickets. In flight it explodes from the canopy with distinctive deep red panels in the wings. It produces a distinctive croaking “khoh-khoh-khoh-khoh….” that gets progressively louder before suddenly stopping. The similar Ross’s Turaco differs from Purple-crested Turaco by being darker overall and having a red crest and yellow face.

Працює за допомогою MERLIN