メス © Frédéric PELSY
オス © Kyle Kittelberger
非繁殖期/オスの未成鳥 © Mike Wheeler
メス © Ad Konings

ムラサキオナガタイヨウチョウ Nectarinia purpureiventris




Long, slim medium-sized sunbird. Breeding males show an array of beautiful iridescent colors in good light, and have a very long, thin tail year-round. Females have a dark face and pale throat. Generally uncommon in montane forest along the Albertine Rift. Most distinctive vocalization is a long, dry rattle, which is unlike the calls of most sunbirds. Fairly similar to Bronze Sunbird. Males are separated by their longer tail, and in breeding plumage by their purple tones. Females are separated by their more pointed tail and lack of a pale eyebrow.