オス © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography eBird S65190250 Macaulay Library ML 206007251
メス © Dasiel Oscar Borroto Escuela
オス © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography
オス © Joao Freitas
メス © Thibaud Aronson
+ 3
オスとメス © Simon Colenutt
オスとメス © Dasiel Oscar Borroto Escuela

プリンシペハタオリ Ploceus princeps




The only weaver on Príncipe, where it is endemic. Typically yellowish with an olive back: male has a golden-orange wash to the head, while female has a plainer face and a white belly. Juvenile is like the female, but duller. Found in pairs and small groups; abundant in almost all habitats on the island. Song is an accelerated fizzling concluding with a wheeze: “pssht-pssht-pshhtt-dzrrt-dzrrt-dzt-dzt-dzr-dzr-dzr-dzr-dzr.”