Female © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography
Male © Eero Rasi
Male © Eero Rasi
Male © Charley Hesse TROPICAL BIRDING
+ 2
Male © Ottavio Janni

Preuss's Weaver Ploceus preussi

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A yellow-and-black weaver with a distinctive golden-chestnut crown and a yellow back that extends to the upper tail. The forehead of the male is golden-chestnut, while that of the female is black. Juvenile has a yellow-olive head and a pale bill. An uncommon resident in primary and secondary forest, often joining mixed-species flocks and clambering along tree trunks like a nuthatch. Often found in pairs. Mostly silent, but a harsh “chwep” call has been recorded. Yellow-capped Weaver is similar to Preuss’s but has a dark lower back and rump and does not creep along branches and trunks; Brown-capped Weaver has a dark crown and prefers the mountains.