オス © William Stephens eBird S64117522 Macaulay Library ML 211429551
メス © John Thompson
オス © David Beadle
つがい © Susan Mac
成鳥 © Fadzrun A.

スリランカアオバト Treron pompadora




Medium-sized green pigeon with yellow face and yellowish line on the wing. Male has a maroon back that is green on the female. Found singly or in small groups at upper levels of forest in lowlands and hills. Maroon back of male rules out similar species. Female has pale, green-marked undertail, unlike plainer, rufous undertail of Orange-breasted Green-Pigeon, or rufous markings of Yellow-footed Green-Pigeon. Legs and feet of Sri Lanka Green-Pigeon are reddish. Call a series of drawn-out whistles.