üreyen erkek © Harvey Fogel eBird S33616564 Macaulay Library ML 47629391
dişi/üreme dışı erkek © John Martin
dişi/üreme dışı erkek © Albert Linkowski
üreyen erkek © Brad Arthur
dişi/üreme dışı erkek © Charley Hesse TROPICAL BIRDING
+ 3
ergen (with Orange-cheeked Waxbill) © Michael Willison
üreyen erkek © Christopher Gilbert

Sivri Kuyruklu Vidya Vidua macroura

Rozetlerinizi görüntülemek için oturum açın



A small, gregarious, and tame species that is found in wide variety of open habitats including agricultural fields, parks, and gardens. The glorious adult male is unmistakable with its long tail and bright reddish bill. In nonbreeding plumage, both male and female have streaks on the sides of the upper chest, a boldly striped head, an orange-pink bill, and dark legs. In breeding plumage, the bill of female is dusky. Juveniles are dull brown overall. Vocalizations include “zhweet, “chee-chee-chee-chee...” and a plaintive down-slurred “seeeeoooo” as well as various squeaky and buzzy twitters.