成鳥 (Northern) © Jonathan Irons eBird S50202973 Macaulay Library ML 125585501
成鳥 (Northern) © Ryan Sanderson
未成鳥 (Northern) © Douglas Faulder
成鳥 (green morph) © Matthew Pendleton
成鳥オス (Chiapas) © Andrew Spencer
+ 8
メス (Chiapas) © Nigel Voaden
幼鳥 (Northern) © Charlotte Byers
成鳥 (Northern) © David M. Bell
成鳥 (Northern) © Mason Maron
成鳥 (green morph) © Ian Davies
群れ (Northern) © Alex Lamoreaux
成鳥 (Northern) © Sequoia Wrens

マツノキヒワ Spinus pinus




Small, brown, streaked finch. Some show yellow in the wing and tail. Sharply pointed bill. Short, notched tail and long wings. Often visits feeders in areas with conifers. Irruptive in many areas; can move south in only small numbers some years, large numbers in other years. Often joins flocks of goldfinches. Can be quite vocal; listen for distinctive rising buzz like a zipper being zipped.