Самець © Ed Harper eBird S28080515 Macaulay Library ML 26523891
Самиця © Denise Van Peursem
Самець © Robert Doubell
Самець і самиця © Bassel Abi Jummaa

Перлистик червоноволий Hypargos niveoguttatus

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Small, chunky dark waxbill with bright white “twin spots” across the black belly. The male has a red hood and gray crown, and the female an orange breast and brownish head. Found in lush habitats, including forest edge, clearings, and thickets. Shy and inconspicuous. Distinctive call is a short, high trill. The rarely heard song is a complex mix of many different call types. Similar to Pink-throated Twinspot, but male separated by the gray crown, and female by the orange breast.

Працює за допомогою MERLIN