© Nick Athanas
© Nick Athanas
© John Bruin
© Paul Sullivan
+ 6
© Eduardo Jackson
© Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography
© Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography
© Daniel Lane
© Leonires Cabrera

ペルーキマユコタイランチョウ Zimmerius viridiflavus




Small flycatcher found in forest canopy in the Andes from southwestern Ecuador to central Peru. It is grayish-green with yellow on the face and throat, a broken eye-ring, and yellowish fringes to the wing feathers. Almost identical in plumage to Choco Tyrannulet and Golden-faced Tyrannulet, but note their distinct geographical ranges. In areas where their ranges potentially meet, voice must be used to clinch the identification. Peruvian Tyrannulet frequently gives a ringing “su-WEET” or “su-wu-WEET.” Actively chases insects in the canopy, often cocking its tail up.