成鳥 © Chris Wood
成鳥 © Luke Seitz
未成鳥 © Luis Maldonado
成鳥と未成鳥 © Pio Marshall
+ 6
成鳥 © Eric Kershner
未成鳥 © Ian K Barker
成鳥 © Phil Kenny
成鳥 © Adela Indriago
© Jeff Tingle

ペルーカツオドリ Sula variegata




Common and conspicuous seabird of coastlines and inshore waters along the Humboldt Current. Sometimes in flocks of hundreds, diving steeply into the sea among feeding frenzies of cormorants, gulls, and terns. Also seen perched on jetties and cliffs; often with cormorants and pelicans. Adult is distinctive with a snow-white head and neck, and dark upperparts with white scaling on back. Juvenile is dingier overall with a dusky head and body. Compare with Blue-footed Booby (often occurs with Peruvian), which always has white body contrasting with dusky neck.