成鳥オス © Jurgen Beckers eBird S22447131 Macaulay Library ML 112964991
成鳥オス © Blair Dudeck
成鳥オス © Sandy Gallito
成鳥メス © Susana Cubas Poclin
成鳥オス © Blair Dudeck

アカハシカザリキヌバネドリ Pharomachrus pavoninus




Stocky green-and-red quetzal of lowland rainforest. Perches in the mid story of mature rainforest, where most common in upland (terra firme) areas and areas around water. Compared to trogons, is larger and chunkier, with a red bill and without a prominent eye ring. The green uppertail coverts are long, extending down the back side of the tail to just past the tail tip. Listen for its song, a repeated two note series of a breathy whistle followed by a soft note, “wheeew … tuck … wheeew … tuck …”.