© Alex Berryman
© John Sterling
© Marcel Holyoak
© Marcel Holyoak
+ 2
© Marcel Holyoak

Obi Paradise-crow Lycocorax obiensis




A large, blackish, crow-like bird-of-paradise, endemic to Obi and Bisa. Body is entirely blackish with paler, browner wings. Also often shows a thin line behind the eye. Shape is distinctive, with thin neck and small head with distinctive brow ridges. Juveniles are browner overall. Singles and pairs occupy canopy in forest, forest edge, and plantations in lowlands and hills. Brown cast to wings and head shape differentiate it from crows. In flight shows broad wings and an awkward, clumsy, hurried flight, unlike the slow flapping of crows. Calls include a trumpet-like “nyek”, an alien-sounding “nwoop”, as well as harsher rasping notes.