成鳥 © Michael O'Brien eBird S50334177 Macaulay Library ML 128858431
未成鳥 © Oscar Johnson
成鳥 © Arto Keskinen
成鳥 © Chris Wood
未成鳥 © Michael O'Brien
+ 3
成鳥 © Zak Pohlen
成鳥 © Neil Hayward

ヤシハゲワシ Gypohierax angolensis




Small, odd, distinctive vulture. Adults are boldly patterned black-and-white, with red bare facial skin. Juveniles are brown. Immature birds show a mixture of juvenile and adult traits. Distinctive shape in flight: broad, paddle-shaped wings and a short, wide tail. Found in a variety of habitats, including forest, woodland, and savanna--usually in the vicinity of palms. Somewhat similar to African Fish-Eagle, but easily separated by red facial skin and different pattern of black and white. Juveniles are similar to Hooded Vulture, but are smaller, with a thicker bill.