© Stephen Wainer
© Rafael Merchante
© Maurizio Ravasini
© Peter Steward

Пікулик золотогорлий Macronyx aurantiigula

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A large and relatively colorful member of the pipit family with a black necklace, a yellow-orange throat, a yellow breast, and whitish sides with long streaks. The white corners of the dark tail are conspicuous during its weak, fluttering flight. Found in grassland with some bushes and trees. Similar to Yellow-throated Longclaw, though there is only minor overlap in range; orange-throated birds are easily identified, but some individuals have a yellow throat, and these can be separated by their paler and much more heavily streaked flanks. Brownish immatures can be confused with pipits, but are larger and more robust. Not very vocal, but gives a high-pitched whistle and a simple song of doubled phrases.

Працює за допомогою MERLIN