Самець © Adam Higgins eBird S37074172 Macaulay Library ML 58995251
Самиця/молодий птах © Kai Pflug
Самиця/молодий птах © Ting-Wei (廷維) HUNG (洪)
Самиця/молодий птах © Cassie Liu
Самиця/молодий птах © Vincent Wang
+ 3
Самець © Celeste Morien
Самець © aerolife 169 熊盛志

Дрізд блідий Turdus pallidus

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Although not actually pale, this brownish songbird is one of the plainer thrushes in its range. Found in areas of open woodland and scrubland; less tied to extensive forests than other thrushes, particularly in the winter, when it may often be found near reedbeds and in thickets. Sexes similar, both earthen-brown above, paler below, with grayish head, but male has darker ash-gray face, female a dingy white throat. White tail corners obvious in flight.

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