オス © Jorge Muñoz García CAQUETA BIRDING eBird S36086702 Macaulay Library ML 56064031
オス © Nestor Ccacya Baca
メス © Wayne Sladek
オス © Ramón David Ruiz Correa (@rada.birding)
オス © Ruben Dario Palacio
+ 3
オス © John Cahill xikanel.com
オス © Edison🦉 Ocaña

メジロクロウタドリ Turdus leucops




This scarce thrush is found in forests of the subtropical zone from Venezuela to Bolivia, usually at elevations from 1,000–2,000 m. Males are dark black with a staring pale eye and orange bill and legs. Females are rich dark brown with a dark bill, no eyering, and some pale mottling on the belly. To separate from other similar thrushes, especially note the lack of an eyering on both sexes. Not frequently encountered. Males perch at the top of a tree when singing; listen for the squeaky and complex thrushlike song. Otherwise most likely to be seen at a fruiting tree within the forest.