Дорослий птах © Luke Seitz eBird S28156500 Macaulay Library ML 44766261
Птах другого року © County Lister Brendan
Птах першого року © Andrew Allen
Ювенільний птах © Ash Allnutt
Дорослий птах © Rohan van Twest
+ 4
Дорослий птах © Geoffrey Groom
Птах третього року © David Tytherleigh
Дорослий птах © Anonymous

Мартин товстодзьобий Larus pacificus

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Large dark-backed gull with enormous golden yellow bill with thick red tip (red on both upper and lower parts of beak), yellow legs, black tail tip. Juvenile is heavily marked grayish. Occurs mainly along the coast of southern Australia. Identified from Kelp Gull by larger size, thicker bill, and black tail tip.

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