© Ross Gallardy
© Megan Perkins
© Mikael Käll
© Mikael Käll

ウスチャムジチメドリ Illadopsis rufipennis




A chunky, mid-sized, remarkably drab babbler with a white throat and brownish breast. Found in the understory of rainforest at low and middle elevations, usually in small groups. Shy and skulking; rarely seen unless searched for. Very similar to Brown Illadopsis, but slightly different vocally, with higher and more inflected whistles. Also slightly paler below and more richly colored above, with a cleaner white throat. Most often detected by voice. The highly variable song consists of single-note pure whistles or short whistled phrases separated by pauses, often in a three-note ascending series; listen for a haunting clear monotone whistle. Also gives scolding calls, sometimes accompanying the whistled song.