Female © Pedro Jose Caldera
Immature male © Markus Craig
Male © John Drummond
© Stanislav Harvančík
+ 4
Female © Lorenzo Calcaño
Male © Margareta Wieser
Male © Jay McGowan

kolibřík oranžovohrdlý Heliangelus mavors

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Medium-sized hummingbird with a short, straight bill found in the Andes of Venezuela and eastern Colombia. Male has a green body, buff and green spotted underparts, and a glittering orange throat. Female has a buffy throat spotted with green. Found in cloud forest, including edges, pastures with trees, and gardens. Territorial, mostly found singly or fighting with other individuals close to flowers. Similar to female Amethyst-throated Sunangel, which has a white chest band; also similar to female Tyrian Metaltail female, but the sunangel is larger with a differently colored tail.