Adult male © Daniel Pettersson eBird S45279227 Macaulay Library ML 112309661
Immature © Dorna Mojab
Female/immature © Volker Hesse
Adult male © Robert Lewis
Immature © Tyler Joyner
+ 2
Adult male © Daniel Jauvin

strnad zahradní Emberiza hortulana

Vaše záznamy se zobrazí po přihlášení



Fairly small bunting. Males are striking with a green-gray head and yellow mustache, eyering, and throat contrasting with a chestnut belly and intricately marked upperparts. Rump is earth brown and streaked. Females and juveniles are similar but spotted below, head pattern duller, and body less chestnut. Breeds mainly in open and semiopen agricultural areas, slopes, and in mountains with scattered bushes and trees. Non-breeding habitat similar, but includes sparse, highland grasslands and fields. Song is a buzzy “dweedwee-dzeedzeedzzeedzee-dee”, while calls include a mellow, tinkling “deu” and a higher-pitched “deek.”