© Shailesh Pinto
© Wade Strickland
© Jack Noordhuizen
© Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography
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© Matthew Kwan
© David Beadle
© Wayne Sladek
© A S

Orange-spotted Bulbul Pycnonotus bimaculatus

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Attractive bulbul of foothill and montane forest edges and clearings. Endemic to Sumatra, Java, and Bali; introduced to Lombok. Brown above and white below, with bright orange patches on the face and a golden-yellowish tinge to the wings and cheeks. Also note the weak crest, which is not always raised. Generally unmistakable in its range; only confusion species is Aceh Bulbul, but note present species’ pale belly and range differences. Often gathers at fruiting trees. Call is a hard, decisive-sounding “tjik”, often given in series. Song is a bubbly series of bright fluid notes, often given with a somewhat hesitant quality.