成鳥 © 独行虾 Bird.soong eBird S43255763 Macaulay Library ML 87803881
未成鳥 © Nikolaj Mølgaard Thomsen
成鳥 © Christopher Adler
成鳥 © Florian Klingel
成鳥 © Jaydev Mandal

ミナミチゴハヤブサ Falco severus




Small falcon, usually seen in and around forest clearings or perched up on high vantage points such as snags and telecommunication towers from which it hawks for its prey. Dark gray above with brick-red underparts and a white throat and collar. One of very few small falcons throughout much of its range; can be confused with migratory Eurasian Hobby, which lacks the reddish underparts.