Дорослий птах © Fernando Burgalin Sequeria eBird S83819665 Macaulay Library ML 318787601
Дорослий птах © David M. Bell
Дорослий птах © Alan Van Norman
Ювенільний птах © Kathleen Keef
Дорослий птах © Alfonso Escajadillo

Орел-чубань рудошиїй Spizaetus ornatus

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Uncommon, spectacular, crested eagle of tropical forest in the lowlands and foothills. Most frequently seen soaring in mid-late morning, but when hunting perches at all levels in the forest interior. Gives far-carrying, hiccupping whistles while flying, indicating its presence. Adult has orangish plumage on the side of its head and boldly barred underparts. The immature, although rarely seen, has a white head and white underparts with barring on the belly. The long and spiky crest is held flat in flight, but can be raised vertically on perched birds.

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