メス © Jens Thalund
オス © Tommy Pedersen
オス © Knut Hansen
オス © Yann Kolbeinsson

オレンジハタオリ Ploceus aurantius




A medium-sized weaver with a long, relatively slim bill. Male is mostly bright yellow with an orange throat and black lores. The female is much duller, greenish-yellow with a white belly. The eye color of both sexes can be whitish or red, and the bill can be mostly pinkish or black. A colonial nester that is found around wetlands, including lakes, rivers, and swamps. Similar to Holub’s Golden-Weaver, but smaller and slimmer-billed. Female can be confused with several other female and non-breeding male weavers, but is usually found in association with the more distinctive males. Vocalizations are typical of weavers: “chet” notes and a sizzling “radio static” song.