© Ferit Başbuğ
© Ferit Başbuğ
© Babis Tsilianidis
© Neil Wingert

sedmihlásek olivový Hippolais olivetorum

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Large warbler with long wings. Pale olive-gray overall with whitish underparts. Bill is long and thick with prominent pale orange-yellow lower mandible. Also note the prominent pale mid-wing panel. The tail is long and dark gray, but the tail is not as impressive as in Upcher's Warbler. Much slower-moving than the smaller Hippolais or Iduna species as it hops in bushes and trees. Breeds in open woodlands, Mediterranean scrub, and orchards. During the non-breeding season, found in various habitats including arid zones. Song is a jumbled series of somewhat deep, throaty notes. Call is a deep “chack.”