© Peter Steward
© Geert Bouke Kortleve
© Peter Steward
© Stratton Hatfield
+ 3
© Gary Leavens
© Craig Rasmussen

Olive Ibis Bostrychia olivacea

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A dark forest-dwelling ibis. Note the black bare skin on the face, the ragged crest, and the bright green shoulders. Found in wet areas of the rainforest understory and locally in mangroves. Very shy and generally scarce. Similar in appearance to Spot-breasted Ibis, but larger and chunkier, with unspotted underparts, black facial skin, and a different call. Somewhat like Hadada Ibis, but slightly smaller overall, smaller-billed, and found in forest rather than in more open habitats. The vocalization is a two-part, honking “hee-haa,” similar to Hadada Ibis calls, but simpler.