Female © Gerald Friesen
Male © Bradley Hacker 🦜
Female © Holger Teichmann
Male © David Beadle
+ 2
Male © Victor Hugo Michelini

Маріка смарагдова Cinnyris chloropygius

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Працює за допомогою MERLIN

Small sunbird in which males are colorful, green and red, and females drab brownish. Males have yellow shoulder tufts that are usually hidden. Found in forest clearings, along forest edge, and in woodland, moist savanna, gardens, and brush. Often feeds on low flowers. The song is a quick, high-pitched jumble. Similar to Tiny Sunbird, but larger, with a shorter and more curved bill, and males are less bluish above. Male very similar to male double-collared sunbirds, but lacks blue or purple band above the red on the breast.

Працює за допомогою MERLIN