© Dubi Shapiro
© Dubi Shapiro
© Dubi Shapiro

Orange-breasted Forest Robin Stiphrornis erythrothorax

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A short-tailed understory robin with a bright red-orange throat that appears to glow in the shadows of lowland rainforests. Variable across its range, but all populations have a bright throat, a dark-gray to brown back, a whitish belly, and a bright white spot in front of the eye. Song is often given as a duet, with the male giving high-pitched whistles “tlee-tee, tlee-tee” and the female giving an accompanying chatter. Calls include short, questioning whistles “tuweu?” as well as soft calls and rattles. Given this species’ habitat, it is most likely to be confused with akalats, but can always be distinguished by the white spot in front of the eye. May occur locally alongside similar Olive-backed Forest Robin, but distinguished by the brownish rather than green back, and the whitish rather than yellowish belly.